A group of researchers from FNSPE CTU in Prague organized on February 9 to 11 meeting in Prague of the STAR experiment (http://www.casticova-fyzika.cz/star2015/), which participated about 30 experts from Europe and the US. They discussed the latest results in the research. Group of FJFI Technical University along with colleagues from NPI CAS and MFF CU received a large grant to support research infrastructure in the upcoming years to contribute in physics research in the STAR and PHENIX experiment. In Prague arrived the main representative of the STAR experiment and representative Brookhaven National Laboratory Zhanbu Dr. Xu.


Did you know that...

"Quark-gluon plasma" is the name for the state of nuclear matter, which was discovered a few years ago. Nuclear material transferred to the state at extreme temperatures and pressures. Therefore, it is assumed that this material was formed at the beginning of the universe in milliseconds after the Big Bang. Under these extreme conditions, the protons and neutrons that make up atomic nuclei, are decomposed to the most basic building blocks of matter that we know today - quarks and gluons. These formed matter (plasma) has absolutely unique properties unlike any other known substance on Earth.

Conditions necessary for the phase transition of matter into quark-gluon plasma can be achieved on Earth for a very brief moment during collisions of two atomic nuclei at extremely high (ultrarelativistic) energies. One of the leading places of study these ultra-relativistic nuclei collisions is the STAR experiment at RHIC accelerator (the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island in the USA. FNSPE CTU in Prague is heavily involved in STAR experiment research that this year the Thomson-Reuters agency noted in its report "Research Fronts" as one of the top ten "hot topics" of contemporary science.


author: Michal Křelina