Today, 15.6.2017, at the FNSPE CTU in Prague the meeting of SAB of infrastructure BNL-CZ was held. The recent activities and future plans of STAR, PHENIX, sPHENIX and phenomenology conducted at CTU in Prague, CU in Prague and NPI CAS were presented. The members of SAB are prof. Dr. Alberica Toia (IKF Goethe-Universität), prof. RNDr. Pavel Cejnar, DSc.(CU in Prague) and doc. Mgr. Alexander Kupčo, Ph.D.(Institute of Physics CAS). The physics program of the infrastructure and services provided to the users of BNL-CZ were recognized as very important and very satisfactory.


Left: RNDr. Jana Bielčiková, Ph.D. presenting BNL-CZ STAR section. Right: Mgr. Jaroslav Bielčík, Ph.D.

From left to right: prom. fyz. Václav Vrba, CSc., Mgr. Pavol Federič, Ph.D. (hidden), Ing. Jan Vaněk, Ing. Michal Kocan (hidden), Ing. Miroslav Šaur,
Ing. Jan Čepila, Ph.D., doc. Michal Šumbera, CSc. DSc., prof. Dr. Alberica Toia, doc. Alexander Kupčo, Ph.D., prof. RNDr. Pavel Cejnar, DSc.